
RIRS - minimally invasive removal of kidney stones

RIRS is an extremely effective procedure that involves endoscopic removal of stones located in the kidneys and ureters.

It is used for deposits from 0.5 to 2.5 cm. The flexible tip of the endoscope allows you to reach any place in the kidney, and then crush the deposit with help of energy generated by the holm laser. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and under X-ray control. Duration depends on the size and hardness of the stone.

What are the indications for surgery?

RIRS is indicated for patients with ureterolithiasis when the deposit is above the iliac vessels.
In addition, this method can also be used for people:
• obese (BMI> 30)
• with coagulation disorders
• with deposits resistant (hard) to mx. 2 extracorporeal wave crushing procedures (ESWL)
• with renal deposits 8 ÷ 30 mm located in the lower cup or other place of the kidney collecting system
• with numerous deposits of one kidney or bilateral urolithiasis
• decided on one procedure providing 92 ÷ 97% chance of getting rid of deposits.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia in the operating theater during one or two-day hospitalization.

Treatments are performed: Michał Jurasz M.D. - Head of the Urology Department and Leszek Niewęgłowski M.D.